Aaron Brethorst (Page 179)

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Aug 31, 2004

More iRooster Updates

I am ready to sign off on iRooster 1.2 Beta 1. I’ve done a lot of work to firm it up, make it as usable as possible, and add cool new features to it. I implemented a feature in an hour last night that allows users to check for updates and see if t...

Aug 30, 2004
Developer Tools

More AppleScript + Cocoa

Apple recently published an article on making Cocoa apps AppleScriptable. It’s fairly bare-bones, but it’s more information than I had before, so I’m not going to gripe too much. You can find it over at Apple’s Developer website.

Aug 27, 2004
Random Funniness

Where' Waldo for an older crowd

My buddy Matt just sent me this picture. As he put it, it’s like a game of Where’s Waldo. But for an older crowd :-)

Aug 26, 2004

Nasty Bugs

The best way to find nasty, blocking bugs is to “eat your own dogfood.” i.e. use the software you’re developing as you develop it. I do this with iRooster: I wake up every day to it… or not, as this morning proved. I thought I had worked out the l...