Aaron Brethorst (Page 18)

Elsewhere on the web

Nov 15, 2009
Zoon Politikon

The Right has literally let terrorists win

Glenn Greenwald on our favorite chickenhawk tough guys’ reactions to the KSM trial: [T]he Right's reaction to yesterday's announcement -- we're too afraid to allow trials and due process in our country -- is the textbook definition of "surrenderi...

Nov 13, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Very odd

Taegan Goddard: Maybe Levi Johnson really does have a dark secret about Sarah Palin that she doesn't want revealed. Though Palin's new memoir takes shots at many people -- and "describes heart-wrenching anguish about her teen daughter's pregnanc...

Nov 12, 2009

On sad and wilting iPhones

AT&T regarding Verizon’s latest batch of TV ads: The image of the sad and wilting iPhone on an island of misfit toys falsely communicates that the iPhone is a broken device. </param></param></param></embed>