Aaron Brethorst (Page 185)

Elsewhere on the web

Jun 15, 2004
Personal Life

Car Repair

I took my car into the shop today to get it fixed. Finally. I get rear-ended a month ago and I finally find the time to fix my damned car. Anyway, I got a friggin’ Volvo S60 from the rental car place out of the deal. I’m going to only have to pay ...

Jun 11, 2004
Mac OS X

Heh, MacOS 9

“Sure, you’re right, I can’t break into OS 9. But I can’t telnet into a fucking rock now, either, can I?”

Jun 09, 2004
Zoon Politikon

Bush/Zombie Reagan 04

This website is really, really wrong. But funny as hell. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to let the six of you reading this in on this phenomenally inappropriate joke. (and I, for one, salute our new zombie overlords)

Jun 08, 2004
Random Funniness

Stop Eating Poop!

So, the next time I have trouble with ceasing my poop-eating I will know where to turn. Credit goes to Boing Boing on this one.

Jun 06, 2004
Personal Life

Impending Baldness

I have spent the past seven years convinced that I am in the process of losing my hair. The evidence seems to suggest I will. Neither of my grandfathers had hair. My dad doesn’t have much. It looks like my fate is pretty much sealed. I resolved l...