Aaron Brethorst (Page 188)

Elsewhere on the web

May 10, 2004
Zoon Politikon

Here' Hoping…

John Zogby writes: “But as of today, this race is John Kerry’s to lose.” I don’t know if I agree with him, but I hope to god I’m wrong.

May 09, 2004
Developer Tools


Why on earth doesn’t Apple dedicate a person for a month to documenting the facilities built into XCode for creating new editor types? Jeez, this really irritates me to no end. There is tons of documentation surrounding this for Visual Studio. Ad...

May 09, 2004

the joys of template editing

I’m still working on configuring the look and feel of my MT3 blog. This is phenomenally slow, tedious work. On the plus side of things, it seems to be progressing in the direction of overall goodness. I hate blogging about blogs, so hopefully this...

May 09, 2004

testing testing

Is this thing still working? Testing… Testing…

May 09, 2004
Mac OS X

Cocoa Controls

I’ve been a fence-sitter for years. I started out with Mac OS 7.5 (really, System 7.5) back in the early 1990s on a Power Mac 6100. I was totally a Mac zealot: “PCs suck, blah blah blah.” At the age of 17 I started working for the Geek Squad, wher...