Aaron Brethorst (Page 189)

Elsewhere on the web

May 08, 2004

goddamn you to hell, MT!

MT 2.6 blew up on me after I did something kind of dumb. Basically, it’s not that graceful at recovering from errors. This seemed like as good a time as any to upgrade to MT3, though, so here we are. Let’s hope we can avoid comment spam this time ...

Apr 25, 2004

Lincoln Park Trixies

My friend Jen, executive administrator extraordinaire, goes by the name LP Trixie on MSN Messenger. I asked her about this a week or so ago, only to discover Chicago’s most elite social organization: the Lincoln Park Trixies. What is an LP Trixie...

Apr 25, 2004
Personal Life


I don’t really have insomnia, but I feel that way on nights like this. We hit Beta 1 ZBB on Friday, and I had the most amazing night of sleep last night: slept like a brick for 8 hours and woke up feeling refreshed and alive. I feel like sleep is ...

Apr 16, 2004
Zoon Politikon

Steel Shipping Container Politics

Mickey Kaus writes: “If I were a Democrat–oh wait, I am a Democrat–if I could keep Kerry in a sealed steel shipping container until November 1, I would.” Kaus definitely has a point. Bush is doing a bang-up job tearing himself apart. Strangely en...

Apr 06, 2004
Zoon Politikon

The end times are nigh

Instapundit just bashed Bush and praised Kerry. Holy cow! Seriously, though. The Bush Administration’s “War on Porn” is the most ill-conceived plan I’ve heard about since just before Sept 11 2001. This feels like more of the really weird, hare-bra...