Aaron Brethorst (Page 192)

Elsewhere on the web

Sep 11, 2003
Personal Life

holy crap!

It never rains, it pours. iRooster appears to have been a featured download on apple.com today. I had several thousand downloads and as many purchases today as I did all last month. I ordered an ibook from smalldog. It is a stopgap until aluminu...

Sep 10, 2003
Personal Life

Career Choices

I had an interesting day today. I re-realized that my co-workers absolutely love me for the simple reason that I do the work I’m expected to do. I don’t need supervision, I get stuff done on time, and it works. Apparently this is a big thing. The...

Sep 08, 2003
Personal Life

a rather productive day

I feel pretty damn good about the changes I made to iRooster today. I finally settled on a new design for the Alarm Editor (a picture of the old design is the link there). It’s a little bit more complex, but not too much. Also, this is rather unav...

Sep 06, 2003

error: does not compute

Is it just my imagination, or does this make absolutely no sense? pressherald.com: Benson’s program is a modest version of one begun by Maine last year. Maine gave laptops to 17,000 seventh-graders and 3,000 teachers in all the state’s public mid...

Sep 04, 2003
Personal Life

Michelle Lai blinded me with science

A line from my stats page: 62: 6.72%: dolby.com life is rather boring at the moment. I discovered today that my productivity goes through the roof when I’m not actually at work. Around 3 yesterday afternoon I attached a “working from home” pos...