Aaron Brethorst (Page 195)

Elsewhere on the web

Aug 18, 2003

iRooster 1.0 Now Available

iRooster, a Mac OS X-only application, allows you to quickly and easily create alarms to wake you up in the morning. Create a special playlist in iTunes for waking up, or use any of the pre-existing iTunes playlists: iRooster will play back your L...

Aug 17, 2003

Education in America

I was just reading slashdot (a bastion of cough insightful, useful comments, as everyone is, no doubt, aware), and I was absolutely shocked to discover a comment that actually made sense. “Teaching children is a low-paying occupation, and you get...

Aug 16, 2003
Personal Life

Cockups and 1.1

So iRooster 1.0 was supposed to go live on Friday. Unfortunately, due to one of those Murphy’s Law-sort-of-things, my account rep at esellerate left the office early on thursday because he felt sick, and never came in on friday. oh well. That’s li...

Aug 11, 2003

Just about 1.0

Ok, almost there. I think I crossed the last big hurdle with getting iRooster ready for official 1.0 GM status. This is cool: my first real piece of shipped software (beating out this wee little office suite I worked on last summer for first relea...

Aug 11, 2003


The Mac OS X shareware application that I have been working on, iRooster, is done. Well, that is, except for the lovely business of integrating the eSellerate engine into it. I have to say, the eSellerate people have been really cool, and really h...