Aaron Brethorst (Page 197)

Elsewhere on the web

Aug 07, 2003
Personal Life

school' out forever

well, just about. I just got my grade for statistics, and I did far better than I could have expected, given that I never went to class, and all I wanted to do was pass it. As things stand now, all I need to do is get a grade for my Advanced Proje...

Aug 06, 2003

Safari 1.0 Blues

Safari 1.0 (on Jag 10.2.6) seems to go absolutely bazonkers with my stylesheet (Georgia Blue on Movable Type 2.64). This sucks. A lot. I think that it will be rectified once I put more entries into the weblog, but who the hell knows. What’s happen...

Aug 06, 2003

movable type

so, it looks like my new domain is pretty much all working at this point. It took less than 24 hours for it to percolate through the DNS system. I’m impressed. Usually it takes a wee bit longer than that. As a sidenote, you may notice that I am u...