Aaron Brethorst (Page 20)

Elsewhere on the web

Nov 10, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Time for Olympia to pull an Arlen

I mean, don’t get me wrong, Arlen is completely screwed in 2010, but that shouldn’t make Olympia Snowe think for a second that switching parties is a bad idea. Cuz, let’s face facts: she’s going down in 2012’s Republican Senatorial Primary in Main...

Nov 09, 2009

Plugins and Gems for Ruby on Rails that I've known and loved

There are a bajillion “best of” lists for Rails gems and plugins out there. I thought I’d contribute one more with some less well-known gems and plugins that I rely upon every day. Haml - A terse, elegant view-level syntax that replaces icky, ol...

Nov 08, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Historic votes, and Bill Kristol is a (semi-principled) dick

From Josh Marshall: As Bill Kristol noted in his famous 1993 GOP strategy memo on the Clinton health care reform initiative, the key danger Republicans face from health care reform is precisely that the public will like it. And I suspect that the...

Nov 08, 2009
Zoon Politikon

More on Health Care Reform

What are the differences between the now-passed House bill and the Senate version? Dennis Kucinich voted against the HCR bill in the House, of course. You've gotta be pretty snowed by Ann, Glenn, Michelle, Rush, and the rest of your news sourc...