Aaron Brethorst (Page 22)

Elsewhere on the web

Oct 04, 2009
Personal Life

Shoe Size

In another 12-18 months, I’m going to need to buy another pair of Pumas (I love Pumas), and I know that I’ll have forgotten my shoe size. So, just as a reminder to myself, I wear size 10. That is all.

Sep 20, 2009
Random Funniness

Keep Fucking that Chicken

The image above is the best screengrab from the whole thing. If you haven’t heard about this or seen it yet, here’s the video below recorded for posterity: </param></param></param></embed>

Sep 16, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Political News Highlights

Obama on Kanye: “he’s a jackass” Rove cameo on Family Guy: “I play myself, meaning the son of Satan, the spawn of evil” 18% of conservatives believe Obama to be the Anti-Christ, 17% not sure. Michele Bachmann: ‘Obesity is an American right!’ Se...