Aaron Brethorst (Page 27)

Elsewhere on the web

Jun 16, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Holy jesus, indeed

I am so embarrassed for these guys. </param></param></param></embed>

Jun 15, 2009
Zoon Politikon

The Tiananmen Solution

From Dan Savage: The massive demonstrations in Prague in November of 1989 that came to be known as the Velvet Revolution began with protesters—students mostly—being beaten in the streets and ended with the fall of that country's communist regime ...

Jun 06, 2009
iPhone Mac OS X

And on a lighter note...

I should be asleep right now, since I’m leaving on a jetplane (back next Friday) for San Francisco at 9:30 tomorrow morning. Toothbrush? Check. Credit card? Check. WWDC registration confirmation? Check. Virgin America first class seat? Check...

Jun 06, 2009

Flyover Country, indeed

Gary soon makes you realize the pitfalls of modern, free-market capitalism, unhindered by checks and balances, a boom-town driven purely by the motive of profit. Jonathan Haeber I was forced to visualize the building at its nadir, when you...