Aaron Brethorst (Page 29)

Elsewhere on the web

Apr 05, 2009

Lindy West on Lindy West

Lindy writes: Sometimes a person forgets to eat dinner, or sometimes they just didn't have time or money, and then they end up at the bar and the only snacks available are Rainier tallboys. And yes, sure, sometimes they grab your beard and tell y...

Mar 23, 2009

Battlestar Galactica Finale Thoughts

I thought it was well-done, with a few minor exceptions. Here are a few great recaps with tons of spoilers if you haven’t seen it yet: http://sepinwall.blogspot.com/2009/03/battlestar-galactica-daybreak-part-2.html http://www.thehousenextdooronlin...

Mar 23, 2009

Photo thoughts

I just noticed that my 12 most popular photos on Flickr are now all pictures I’ve taken this year. Guess I must be getting better at this…