Aaron Brethorst (Page 33)

Elsewhere on the web

Mar 10, 2009

Olive in Flight

The contents of a martini glass, thrown up into the air. Strobist: 580EX II @ 1/8 on slight camera left. 68/365

Mar 09, 2009

Who me?

Chris Haddad poses for me with a picture frame. Strobist: SB-800 @ 1/2 w/ Honlphoto Gobo into background from camera left, 430EX on camera right @ 1/8 with shoot-through umbrella. 67/365

Mar 09, 2009

Dog Sledding

Dog Sledding is the theme of the day at The Big Picture. Great photo collection from dog sledding races around the world, from Alaska to Austria.

Mar 08, 2009

Serious Yogurt

I take my yogurt very seriously. Strobist: SB-800 behind subject (aka me) at 1/8. 430EX on camera left into shoot-through umbrella @ 1/4. 66/365

Mar 08, 2009
Zoon Politikon

John McCain is an asshole

Like an old man shouting at the clouds, Senator McCain is still railing against earmarks in spending bills. No one likes ‘pork,’ unless it’s specifically meant for their district or home state. I’d be interested to know what the most egregious ear...