Aaron Brethorst (Page 34)

Elsewhere on the web

Mar 08, 2009

God forbid I do any more self-portraits...

Yet another self-portrait. At least these get easier as time goes on. Strobist: 430EX on camera right @ 1/16 w/ gridspot. 580EX II on camera left @ 1/8 bare. 65/365

Mar 08, 2009

Eek, a mouse!

Self-portrait. Strobist: 430EX with gridspot on mouse @ 1/8. 580EX II onto feet in background @ 1/16. 64/365

Mar 06, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Totally insane

reprinted from talking points memo in full: Let's just stipulate DC Republicans are simply not part of the discussion when it comes to repairing the US economy or arresting our slide into deep economic misery. And any reporters who aren't clear ab...

Mar 06, 2009
Personal Life


Is the rate of return on my 401K over the past 12 months. Heckuva job, Bushie.

Mar 05, 2009


Self-portrait. I spent a good deal of time tonight dancing around like a bit of a fool to songs that had been featured in iPod ads in the past. My dignity was a worthwhile sacrifice, I think. Strobist: 430EX and 580EX II onto background on camera...