Aaron Brethorst (Page 4)

Elsewhere on the web

Feb 17, 2021
onebusaway ios swift

Meet OBAKit – The New OneBusAway for iOS

I’m very excited to announce that after over two years of development, the latest version of OneBusAway for iOS is ready for public beta testing! If you want to dive right in and try out the new app, please visit https://testflight.apple.com/join/...

Jun 15, 2020
photography pcnw

Chase the Light 2020

Photographic Center Northwest’s annual summer fundraiser/global photo experience/pop-up photo show, Chase the Light, is upon us, and I’m excited to share my submission for this year. Happy Mac

Oct 10, 2019
ios swift

Semantic UI for iOS

I built a simple, open source app for iOS that helps developers visualize iOS’s support for semantic and adaptable colors, dynamic type, and SF Symbols. Check it out at https://github.com/cocoacontrols/SemanticUI From the README: This sample...

Jun 09, 2019
photography pcnw

Chase the Light 2019

Photographic Center Northwest’s annual summer fundraiser/global photo experience/pop-up photo show, Chase the Light, is coming up next weekend, and I’m excited to share my submission for this year. Hope to see you there! “29 airplanes overhead be...

Apr 30, 2017
ios web jobs work

Joining Twistle

Although I’m sad in some ways that my post-NBC News sabbatical has come to an end, I couldn’t be more excited about the reason for it: I’m joining a startup! I am the Director of User Experience for Twistle, a leader in the remote patient monitori...