Aaron Brethorst (Page 41)

Elsewhere on the web

Feb 16, 2009

Pocketwizard FlexTT5: Wowza!

I’ve been reading coverage of PocketWizard’s just-announced FlexTT5 and MiniTT1 RF transmitter units, and I just have to say: “wowza!” David Hobby has a fantastic write-up available over on Strobist, which gives as much information on these as yo...

Feb 16, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Calling a spade a spade, and progressivism progressivism

Nate Silver posts a spot-on take on populism vs. progressivism: Populism is not...a cogent political philosophy unto itself. Franklin Roosevelt, ..., Sarah Palin, Ronald Reagan, Adolf Hitler, Hugo Chavez, ..., Bill Clinton, Ross Perot, Newt Gingr...

Feb 15, 2009


Day 45 of 365

Feb 15, 2009

Pinned Out-takes

Normally, I’ll take between 20 and 150 photos for every 365 picture I post. Yesterday, with Pinned, was really no exception. Here are two of my favorite out-takes from the self-portrait shoot.