Aaron Brethorst (Page 45)

Elsewhere on the web

Feb 05, 2009

Hopping featured on DIYPhotography

One of my photos from last month, Hopping, was just featured on DIYPhotography.net’s list of picks for January 2009. How cool is that?!

Feb 03, 2009


Day 33 of 365.

Feb 03, 2009

Where does it go from here?

Looking over Joey Lawrence’s recent work in Africa makes me wonder what I’m doing with my life. Perhaps, more importantly, it makes me wonder if I’m pushing myself in the wrong direction. A very strange thought, after dedicating myself to one sing...

Feb 02, 2009


I did a photo shoot with one of my neighbors last night in her apartment. The lighting was simple, but I think appropriate for the circumstances: one SB-800 with a full CTO in a 28” Apollo softbox.