Aaron Brethorst (Page 48)

Elsewhere on the web

Jan 27, 2009


Day 26 of 365.

Jan 26, 2009
Photography Seattle

Pike's Place Market

I hit up Pike’s Place Market yesterday with Helen and Wes for a brief and very chilly photowalk:

Jan 26, 2009
Photography Zoon Politikon

Photographic Retrospective on the Bush Years

Great article from Errol Morris on the NYT website highlighting the most meaningful photographs from Bush’s 8 years in office. During the last week of the Bush administration, I asked the head photo editors of these news services — Vincent Amalvy ...

Jan 26, 2009
Random Funniness

Fucking, Austria and Crotch Crescent

Years ago, I was forwarded a link to a bug in the Mappoint team’s bug database. It was entitled “There is no Fucking Austria,” which argued that there was a serious deficiency in our mapping product, due to its lack of the best-named town in all o...