Aaron Brethorst (Page 55)

Elsewhere on the web

Jan 12, 2009
Zoon Politikon

In Final News Conference, Bush Strikes Elegiac Tone - NYTimes.com

“Abu Ghraib was a huge disappointment,” Mr. Bush said, referring to the detainee abuse scandal in Iraq that proved deeply damaging to the American image there and around the world. “Not having weapons of mass destruction was a significant disappoi...

Jan 12, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Counties to Coleman: What Part of 'No' Didn't You Understand?

So far, the counties appear to have sorted through about 150 ballots from Coleman's list of 650 [incorrectly managed ballots], and they've come up with one discrepancy. At this pace, Coleman is on track to get a grand total of ... 4 additional bal...

Jan 11, 2009


Day 11 of 365 is chock-full of strawberry goodness:

Jan 11, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Malia and Sasha: Friggin' Adorable

As President-elect Barack Obama prepared to appear on ABC’s Sunday morning show, “This Week,” the Obama girls, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, who had joined him in the studio, asked the host George Stephanopoulos to slip the following question into his ...

Jan 10, 2009
Photography Seattle

Winter Solstice Fire Festival Part 1

I went to the Winter Solstice Fire Festival at the Seattle Center this afternoon. It was delayed by a few weeks due to ice, snow, rain, floods, and all of the other nigh-on-Biblical tribulations we heathen-esque Seattleites have suffered over the ...