Aaron Brethorst (Page 55)

Elsewhere on the web

Jan 12, 2009
iPhone outside.in

My second iPhone app

Outside.in not only links people with their local blogs, but also connects them to whatever physical space they’re in. This month, the company will release an iPhone application called Radar allowing users to roam the city, type in a physical loc...

Jan 11, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Malia and Sasha: Friggin' Adorable

As President-elect Barack Obama prepared to appear on ABC’s Sunday morning show, “This Week,” the Obama girls, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7, who had joined him in the studio, asked the host George Stephanopoulos to slip the following question into his ...

Jan 11, 2009


Day 11 of 365 is chock-full of strawberry goodness:

Jan 10, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Hey Norm, want some cheese with your whine?

Somebody should stop by Surdyk’s and pick up a nice gouda or brie for Norm. From TPM: Norm Coleman is complaining that the Senate's decision to close his offices after his term expired -- leaving the seat vacant while Coleman challenges the electi...