Aaron Brethorst (Page 57)

Elsewhere on the web

Jan 08, 2009
Technology Zoon Politikon

Announcing the NYTimes Congress API

The initial release exposes four types of data: a list of members for a given Congress and chamber, details of a specific roll-call vote, biographical and role information about a specific member of Congress, and a member’s most recent positions o...

Jan 08, 2009


Looks super-cool. Check out the trailer: You can also pick up the original Neil Gaiman graphic novel from Amazon.

Jan 08, 2009

With you always

A few questions regarding this linked image from jesus-withyoualways.com. why does Jesus have a nasty little pencil moustache? why does this girl look like some sort of slug monster? why does Jesus look like he's offering this little slug mons...

Jan 08, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Your Daily Norm Coleman Update

My least favorite former Senator of recent memory, Norm Coleman, got a little kick in the groin today when the Senate phonebook was published without his name in it. In other news, Alan Mathiowetz of Edina, MN is my new favorite person with his ...