Aaron Brethorst (Page 59)

Elsewhere on the web

Jan 07, 2009

Wetter than usual

Seattle is wetter than usual today. It’s been raining since last night, and some areas around here are expected to receive 10-20” before it’s all over. Needless to say, this amount of rainfall is way above the minimum level required for flooding a...

Jan 06, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Breaking: Norm Coleman to challenge election results

Just heard on Minnesota Public Radio that Coleman is going to challenge the election results that determined Al Franken to be the winner of the very close Minnesota Senatorial race for Paul Wellstone’s old seat. I’m disappointed but not surprised.

Jan 06, 2009

Fear of Failure and Portrait Lighting for Beginners

If you’ve ever taken a gander through my collection of photos on Flickr, you’ve probably noticed that I don’t shoot many people, and when I do, it’s normally candid photo work. There’s a really simple reason for this: I don’t find portrait work to...

Jan 06, 2009


Day 5 of my 365 Project