Aaron Brethorst (Page 60)

Elsewhere on the web

Jan 06, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Latest on the Coleman Debacle

From the Associated Press (via MPR): The lawsuit alleges that the Canvassing Board made mistakes when determining voter intent on challenged ballots, that ineligible voters cast ballots and that some absentee ballots were erroneously opened early...

Jan 05, 2009
Zoon Politikon

More Info on Aaron Schock

Aaron Schock is the newest—and youngest at 27 years old—member of the incoming Congressional class. It took some work to dig up anything about him. His campaign website is devoid of anything resembling position statements, and instead contains yo...

Jan 05, 2009

My nephew is ludicrously adorable

My eight month old nephew, Addison, is ludicrously adorable. See the pictures below for indisputable proof (and click for larger sizes).

Jan 05, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Norm Coleman is a Big Sore Loser, and Other Observations

The election panel’s stamp of approval is unlikely to bring an end to the contest. A lawyer for the Coleman campaign, Fritz Knaak, issued a statement today calling the court’s ruling “disappointing and disheartening” and vowed to challenge the out...

Jan 05, 2009
Mac OS X

Picasa for Mac Available

Pick it up from the Google Picasa website. Looks exactly like the Windows version. Blech. via Twitter / Steve Rubel: You can get Picasa here….