Aaron Brethorst (Page 61)

Elsewhere on the web

Jan 05, 2009
Zoon Politikon

Quick Notes on Sidwell Friends

Sasha and Malia Obama started attending Sidwell Friends School, a private Quaker K-12 school, today. In case you’re looking for more on Sidwell Friends, here’s some information I put together on the institution. It's located about four-and-a-hal...

Jan 05, 2009

Skytap named one of Network World's '10 Startups to Watch in 09'

An appropriate Skytap package might cost considerably more than EC2, Bass says, but could eliminate a company's need to buy a bunch of servers for testing a large-scale application deployment. Nice plug! via 10 start-ups to watch in ‘09 - Netwo...

Jan 04, 2009

Steve Gillmor is Unintelligible

Update: Steve Gillmor cracks me up. God, I love Steve Gillmor. Steve just wrote an article about how much Feedburner sucks now that Google bought them, and how FriendFeed might end up eating Google’s lunch in this area. Unfortunately, Steve write...