Aaron Brethorst (Page 63)

Elsewhere on the web

Jan 02, 2009

Mouth Breathing

You know someone smells overwhelmingly bad (i.e. cheap booze and stale tobacco) when you need to breath through your mouth to keep from getting ill. Yay for public transportation!

Dec 31, 2008

The Day the Microsoft Zunes Stood Still

One user wrote: “From what I can tell it looks like every Zune 30 on the planet has suddenly crashed. Is this a virus? A glitch? A time bomb? A disgruntled Microsoft employee? Planned obsolescence to make us buy a new one? Or just a terrorist plot...

Dec 30, 2008

25 Years of Mac: From Boxy Beige to Silver Sleek

"When I got back here in 1997, I was looking for more room, and I found an archive of old Macs and other stuff. I said, 'Get it away!' and I shipped all that shit off to Stanford. If you look backward in this business, you'll be crushed. You have ...

Dec 30, 2008
Zoon Politikon

Paul Jenkins: The GOP's White Supremacy

Like a restricted country club that would rather die than change, the Republican Party is marginalizing itself for the sake of the white men who run it. "Barack The Magic Negro" and Palm Beach aryanists are just the more bizarre manifestations of ...

Dec 30, 2008

playing with themes

Every year around this time, I start thinking that I need to do some cleanup on my personal website. It kinda-sorta happens eventually, but it seems to trickle in over the course of December, January, February and March, culminating in April when ...