Aaron Brethorst (Page 64)

Elsewhere on the web

Dec 30, 2008
Zoon Politikon

Paul Jenkins: The GOP's White Supremacy

Like a restricted country club that would rather die than change, the Republican Party is marginalizing itself for the sake of the white men who run it. "Barack The Magic Negro" and Palm Beach aryanists are just the more bizarre manifestations of ...

Dec 30, 2008

25 Years of Mac: From Boxy Beige to Silver Sleek

"When I got back here in 1997, I was looking for more room, and I found an archive of old Macs and other stuff. I said, 'Get it away!' and I shipped all that shit off to Stanford. If you look backward in this business, you'll be crushed. You have ...

Dec 29, 2008

Surprise Surprise

I just finished installing Windows 7 Beta 1 into a VM on my Mac, and I find it to not only be inoffensive, but actually quite nice! Well worth the hour or two necessary to get it up and running, especially if you’re using Vista :P

Dec 19, 2008

Best Photos of 2008

The Boston Globe has a retrospective of the best 120 photos of 2008 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3) up on Boston.com. I highly recommend looking at all of them, but if you don’t have the time, here are my favorites: Lighting above a volcano Space sh...

Dec 18, 2008

Snow in Seattle

It snowed here in Seattle starting in the wee hours of the morning. I woke up from a thunderclap around 5:30AM, and then heard another one a few minutes later. We’ve only received a couple inches, but that’s still enough to tank the whole city. Ch...