Aaron Brethorst (Page 65)

Elsewhere on the web

Nov 20, 2008
Zoon Politikon

Lizard People for Franken

The Minnesota Senatorial battle continues with a statewide recount. Nate Silver thinks Franken will win. Maybe. Or not. Who knows. Meanwhile, MPR has posted a collection of photos of challenged ballots, including my personal favorite, Lizard Peopl...

Nov 19, 2008
Zoon Politikon

The Nader Effect in 2008

So, it looks like Nader might have cost Obama the state of Missouri. Check it out: McCain: 1,445,812 Obama: 1,442,810 Nader: 17,813 Barr: 11,386 If you assume that 3rd party voters would have voted for their more closely aligned major party ...

Nov 12, 2008
Zoon Politikon

A Poor Choice of Words

"You know," [Chuck Heath, Sarah Palin's father] said, "the kids lose underwear, and everything has to be accounted for." (from Maureen Dowd) You know, I bet Bristol just has the worst time remembering where she left her underwear. When is her wedd...