Aaron Brethorst (Page 66)

Elsewhere on the web

Nov 06, 2008
Zoon Politikon

Newsweek's Campaign '08 Retrospective

Newsweek had a number of reporters embedded in the McCain, Obama and Clinton campaigns for the past year, working on a multi-part inside story on what happened over the past year. Part 4 of 7 was posted this morning, and it’s well worth the time t...

Nov 04, 2008
Zoon Politikon

Election Beer Bets

I bet my friend Neil a pint of beer that Obama would win Georgia. He accepted. I bet my friend Dominic with 2:1 odds that Obama will lose Arizona. He accepted. It would be worth two pints of beer to me to see McCain so thoroughly defeated, especi...

Nov 03, 2008
Zoon Politikon

My Guess for Tomorrow

Obama 364 to McCain 174. Same as Karl Rove is predicting, perversely, except that I genuinely think that Georgia is going to flip, given the African-American turnout I’ve been reading about. Obama wins all of the Kerry states, plus CO, NM, FL, OH,...

Nov 03, 2008
Zoon Politikon

Toot's vote

This made me tear up. I just read this over at DKos that Barack Obama’s grandmother’s vote will be counted under Hawaii state law. Ms. Dunham’s absentee mail ballot was received and reviewed under the Hawaii standards for processing absentee mail ...