Aaron Brethorst (Page 67)

Elsewhere on the web

Oct 31, 2008
Zoon Politikon

Pre-Election Thoughts

Did you know that Obama can lose: Florida Virginia North Carolina Ohio Indiana and still win with 273 EV by picking up Colorado (7.1% ahead), Iowa (12.4% ahead) and New Mexico (9% ahead), as long as he retains all of the Kerry states. Of c...

Oct 22, 2008
Zoon Politikon

It's really very simple

Just watch this, and compare it to the hate and vitriol coming from the opposing side. Who’s really working towards solutions? We are all Americans, and we all love this country. It’s as simple as that. </param></param></embed>

Oct 18, 2008
iPhone Photography

Swamped, lately

I’ve been swamped lately: I have one more update to the Slate Poll Tracker '08 that's mostly complete (it just requires some performance testing and enhancement). I am in the final stages of delivering an iPhone app to a startup that shall rema...

Oct 09, 2008
Zoon Politikon

Quote of the day

From Josh Marshall: When this is all over I do not know whether Obama and Biden will allow McCain to meet with his testicles without preconditions. Just checked the website, and apparently Josh has changed the text: After the election, in the inte...