Aaron Brethorst (Page 69)

Elsewhere on the web

Sep 13, 2008

Nothing Quite Like Running Naked in a Hurricane

I’ve been watching coverage of Hurricane Ike’s landfall in Texas all evening, and was just watching another clip on the Weather Channel’s website. I noticed something in the last second of this video that’s worth watching: some guy runs naked acro...

Sep 13, 2008

Walt Mossberg on Election '08

Walt Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal wrote about Election ‘08 today: Now there’s a cool new way to follow the 2008 Presidential election anywhere you go...If you care about politics, and understand that polls aren’t perfect, Election ‘08 can p...

Sep 12, 2008

Weird Headline Day

  [caption id=”attachment_768” align=”alignnone” width=”300” caption=”NYT: Court clears way for Zuma Presidency”][/caption] [caption id=”attachment_769” align=”alignnone” width=”125” caption=”Zuma Frog”][/caption]  ??????

Sep 11, 2008
Zoon Politikon

David Plouffe to 38% of America: STFU

Haha, I love Plouffe: “We’re sensitive to the fluid dynamics of the campaign, but we have a game plan and a strategy,” said Mr. Obama’s campaign manager, David Plouffe. “We’re familiar with this. And I’m sure between now and Nov. 4 there will be a...

Sep 11, 2008

Election '08 Updated

I just received word from Apple that Election ‘08 has been updated to version 1.1. This brings with it a raft of improvements, including: Battleground states: See which races are the closest at the touch of a button. Polling sources: See the so...