Aaron Brethorst (Page 70)

Elsewhere on the web

Sep 10, 2008
Apple Mac OS X

iTunes 8: 60 Second Review

Immediate reactions after first firing up iTunes 8, and configuring the Genius feature: Wow, I didn't think Apple could make iTunes look more inconsistent with the rest of the OS and itself than they already had. Guess they topped my expectation...

Sep 10, 2008

Death Cab for Cutie and TV on the Radio

I’m just finishing up lunch, and was spending some time reflecting over the past couple weeks when I realized I never mentioned my day at Bumbershoot on Labor Day. I caught Death Cab for Cutie headlining that night, and was as thoroughly impressed...

Sep 09, 2008

The latest on Election '08

Here’s what’s been happening over the past couple days with Election ‘08: A server hiccup made the app unusable for a few hours - I have an update in the queue with Apple to address this sort of thing in the future; I will be hosting all of the ...

Sep 07, 2008

Still creeping up at #6

Against all expectations I’ve been carrying, Election ‘08 continues to head up the list of Apple’s top paid apps in the AppStore. I keep thinking that it’s finally topped out, and then am surprised to find that it’s gone up another spot. At least ...

Sep 06, 2008
Zoon Politikon

Sure it is, as long as you're a complete moron

Schwarzenegger: Even in the face of job losses and the mortgage crisis, the core Republican message is still appealing: No higher taxes, get government off your back, cut regulations and make us more competitive.