Too good not to pass along. Found on PhotoShelter’s Shoot! the Blog, along with many more fantastic ones:
Too good not to pass along. Found on PhotoShelter’s Shoot! the Blog, along with many more fantastic ones:
Well, not really, but you get the idea. I had heard this a while ago, but it’s always nice to run into it again in the NYT. Did you know that ordinary folks’ incomes rise more under Democratic Presidents than Republican ones? Take a look: [If] his...
All signs seem to indicate that the answer is ‘yes.’ I mean, c’mon, did his people vet Sarah Palin? Even a little? She’s been his running mate for all of half a week, and three scandals involving her have already come to light. What. The. Fuck. H...
It doesn’t bode well for you when even National Review is squeamish: If it were your decision, and you were putting your country first, would you put an untested small-town mayor a heartbeat away from the presidency?
I walked part of the way into work this morning, and was surprised to find a group of goats “mowing” the grass alongside I5 next to downtown Seattle near Boren and Pine. Who organizes this?