Aaron Brethorst (Page 73)

Elsewhere on the web

Aug 24, 2008

Discovery Park Photos - First to claim gets a print!

Update: claimed by Boris. Shot at Discovery Park today. Did about 650 pictures, ended up really liking about 80 of them. Still, I whittled those down to 15. Posted them up on Flickr just a little while ago, added them to my SmugMug gallery, slapp...

Aug 23, 2008
Zoon Politikon

Truly disturbing

I find myself agreeing with Maureen Dowd for once. Dear god, what is the world coming to?

Aug 23, 2008

Getting that 'vintage' look in your pictures

Rosie, one of my favorite photographers on Flickr, has a handy-dandy post up on her technique for achieving a ‘vintage’ look and feel in photographs, which I’ve often wanted to duplicate. I was guessing that she was taking some semi-arbitrary text...

Aug 22, 2008
Zoon Politikon


I don’t get Barack Obama. Sure, he was annihilated by Bobby Rush back in 2000 in a primary campaign for a Congressional seat, but ever since he’s seemed like such a star-crossed politician: 2004 Senate race: Jack Ryan, a wealthy Republican who sh...

Aug 22, 2008
Zoon Politikon

A noun, a verb, and a mansion?

Robin Leach of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous—um, fame—isn’t exactly helping John McCain out with the hullabaloo over how many John McCain owns: In an early morning phone call Friday from his fabulous crib in Las Vegas, Leach told The Times tha...