Aaron Brethorst (Page 76)

Elsewhere on the web

Aug 07, 2008
Zoon Politikon

Unnecessary Complexity and Dubious Results: McCain is an Asshole

I just read the following on Talking Points Memo: "[Obama is] claiming putting air in your tires is the equivalent of new offshore drilling," McCain said. "That's not an energy plan, my friends -- that's a public service announcement." The proble...

Aug 06, 2008
Graphic Design Music

Takashi Murakami - artistic commentary on otakuism

I was introduced to a fantastic artist (tragically not in person) last night named Takashi Murakami. He’s credited with creating the superflat style, [Which] is characterized by flat planes of color and graphic images involving a character style d...

Aug 06, 2008

Neal Stephenson Novel, Anathem, Coming in September

I was informed by Valleywag (inside baseball quip: how often do you hear the words “informed” and “Valleywag” in the same sentence) earlier today that Neal Stephenson–NYT bestselling author of Cryptonomicon, Diamond Age, Snow Crash and the Baroque...

Aug 05, 2008


I put up two more pictures from Minneapolis a minute ago. They’re both of my sister’s family’s dog, Ollie, who is a huge bundle of energy wrapped up in a boxer body. He’s a sweet dog, but not the smartest thing in the world, unfortunately.

Aug 04, 2008

Summer in Minnesota

I was in Minnesota last week visiting family and friends, and took a number of fun pictures with my brand-new macro lens, the Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro. This is a lovely lens, especially for the price. It’s not L glass, but it’s also 33% of the pric...