Aaron Brethorst (Page 79)

Elsewhere on the web

Jul 08, 2008

Today's Pictures

Took more pictures today than was necessarily healthy for me. I swear I’m going to blow out the shutter on my 40D sooner than I should. On the plus side of things, I did get a few good pictures in.  For starters, I happened to run into a man with...

Jul 08, 2008

This one makes me smile

I just found a portfolio website from a gentleman by the name of Mel Yates. He has some absolutely spectacular portraits of Big Hollywood Stars, and then my personal favorite: guy with the serious cat.

Jul 08, 2008
Technology Zoon Politikon

Carly for VP? Are you joking?

Over the past 24 hours, rumors have been mounting that Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard and the ‘Victory Chairperson’ of John McCain’s Presidential campaign, will be McCain’s pick for the Vice Presidential slot on his ticket. This is ...

Jul 06, 2008


Helen took me to Salish Lodge as a birthday present to me this year (in addition to some beautiful clothes, and the Canon 50mm f/1.4 lens). Nice girl ;-) Naturally, we took a few pictures over two days, and I’ve uploaded the first round of them t...

Jul 06, 2008
Personal Life Photography

Happy birthday to me!

My birthday happened to land on July 4th this year, just as it has for the 25 prior birthdays I have had. As always, I celebrated at someone else’s house party and watched fireworks in the evening. Here are some of the results. The rest are up on ...