Aaron Brethorst (Page 80)

Elsewhere on the web

Jul 03, 2008
Miscellaneous Random Funniness

Ivy League Admissions Policies

It strikes me that anyone capable of this sort of inane stupidity should never have made it into an Ivy League school in the first place: The scene: A play at Princeton’s Berlind Theater needs a line-prompter. A group email seeks volunteers. To mi...

Jul 03, 2008

Awesome new lens

I picked up a Canon 24-70mm f/2.8 L lens yesterday, and it is absolutely fantastic! This is really a gorgeous lens: very fast, very sharp, super high quality, and it weighs just over 2 pounds. Simply crazy. I had a very serious conversation about...

Jul 02, 2008
Zoon Politikon

Where's the Beef? Fighter Plane Edition

Wesley Clark said the other day “‘riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down’ is not ‘a qualification to be president,’” per US News and World Report, and countless other sources. As you can see in this video from TPM Media, the media immedi...

Jul 02, 2008
Photography Technology Zoon Politikon

Echo Chamber Alert

In case any of you care, here are the blogs I’ve found most interesting and relevant to my life over the past few weeks: Bert Stephani - Confessions of a Photographer - Great easy-to-follow discussions on off-camera lighting. Dare Obasanjo - 25...

Jul 01, 2008
Zoon Politikon

Obama's brilliant when it comes to religion

Let’s face facts: the majority of Americans are not like me. Accordingly to religioustolerance.org, over three quarters of the United States (i.e. about 225 million Americans) are Christian. About 3% follow other faiths. 14% of Americans are, more...