Aaron Brethorst (Page 81)

Elsewhere on the web

Jun 30, 2008
Photography Popfly

Monty likes one of my pictures

John Montgomery, my old boss from Popfly, gave me some great props on his blog earlier today. God bless the blogger echo chamber: blogging about blogs about me.  One of my friends, and a former teammate, is Aaron Brethorst. For the longest time I ...

Jun 29, 2008

Pictures from the Seattle Center

Got busy yesterday: hit up Glazer’s Camera for a price and weight comparison on three Canon ‘L’ lenses: the 17-40, 27-40 and 24-105. I decided that I will pick up the 24-70L as soon as my finances allow it. I’m certainly not willing to pay Glazer’...

Jun 29, 2008

2008 Gay Pride Parade

I was at the 2008 Gay Pride Parade in Downtown Seattle this afternoon, and took about 600 pictures in total. I’ve posted 35 of the ones I saved, and still have a few more to put up as soon as I figure out how Flickr’s parental control thingies wor...

Jun 27, 2008

Strobing Myself Up

I’ve been gazing wistfully at the beautiful pictures that a solid photographer can take with an off-camera flash, transmitters, and…oh yeah, talent. Talent tends to be helpful, too. Anyway, the amount of equipment you could need, and the terribly...

Jun 27, 2008

Gazing into the Canopy

I haven’t had much of a chance to take pictures lately, since I was knocked on my ass for a couple weeks by a really unpleasant illness. Still, I had a chance to take some pictures recently, and captured a semi-interesting one of tree canopy in Vo...