Aaron Brethorst (Page 83)

Elsewhere on the web

Jun 10, 2008

Bainbridge Island and Downtown Seattle at Sunset

Friday evening found me on the ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge Island and back. I took some pictures with my new Canon 40D, and came out with nine that I was particularly happy with. The full set is up on Flickr, but you can see my two favorites ...

Jun 09, 2008
Zoon Politikon


E.D. Hill, host of America’s Pulse on Fox News, further demonstrated that her network has completely lost its marbles, jumped the shark, and should not be considered to be news by anyone. On June 6th, she mused about the Obamas’ fist-bump in St. ...

Jun 07, 2008

Take Me Out to the Concession Stand

The New York Times has an interactive map up today detailing the best and worst food from ballparks across the country.  My personal favorite description is for the ever-unloved Chisox and their tepidly named U.S. Cellular Field: “What to order: ...

Jun 06, 2008

Great Demonstration of Off-Camera Flash

Bert Stephani has a fantastic blog post up on how different constraints in off-camera flash can change a photo. Pay close attention to the last shots of Mieke outside at 1/250s, 1/125s and 1/50s. Subscribed!