Aaron Brethorst (Page 86)

Elsewhere on the web

Apr 25, 2008

Latest Happenings

I was in Japan last week. Great trip, lots of fun, took tons of pictures, and more pictures are still to come on Flickr. Here’s one to tide you over for the moment: Also, my employer, Skytap, came out of stealth two weeks ago with the announcem...

Apr 06, 2008


I’ll have much more to say this week than I have in a while. I hate these self-imposed quiet periods :P In other news, I attended the rockin’ 43rd LD’s caucuses, which was an absolute madhouse (but in a good way). I also finally got my hair cut to...

Mar 31, 2008

On Cosplay and Photography

Tycho from Penny Arcade regarding Sakuracon: I'm fairly certain that a thirty-two year old man watching teens dressed as supernatural maids caper and gambol is not legal. Meanwhile, I imbibed various and sundry liquids with some friends over the ...

Mar 16, 2008

Bad Blogger, No Cookie!

I’ve been a bad blogger lately, but I’ve made up for it by getting out and taking lots of photos. You can check out all of my favorites on Flickr, including Cells, which is featured below: Want to buy a print? Let me know.

Feb 09, 2008

Popfly in the New York Times

There’s an article on the NYT website today about Popfly: Mr. Montgomery was intrigued by the phenomenon of 13-year-olds who were “tricking out” their MySpace pages with “digital bling.” They didn’t realize it, but by cutting and pasting snippets...