Aaron Brethorst (Page 87)

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Jan 15, 2008

MacWorld Expo Keynote Predictions

Here are my guesses for tomorrow morning’s Stevenote: iPhone and iPod sales figures have surpassed the Street's expectations. Mac sales figures have surpassed the Street's expectations. 16GB iPhone iPhone SDK Apple TV 2.0 and iTun...

Jan 09, 2008

What evil lurks - my first photo I’m genuinely proud of

I took a photo of part of the Seattle skyline last Saturday night that I am incredibly proud of. I know there are a number of improvements I can make to subsequent reshoots, and I hope to do so if there weather permits this weekend. It’s posted on...

Jan 08, 2008
Apple Cocoa Design

Free Mac OS X Icons for Developers

I'm building a little one-off Mac OS X application for uploading photos to my website, and needed to add a few icons to it. Here are a few very high-quality resources I've found. There are actually some really nice, free icons out there for Mac de...

Dec 31, 2007


I’ve become something of a photography whore over the past few months. It started with a Digital SLR, and has moved to horribly expensive lenses, a burning desire to spend far too much money on lighting equipment, and an unholy fascination with fr...

Dec 31, 2007

2008 Predictions, and a 2007 Recap

One year ago today, I posted a list of predictions for 2007. Let’s see how I did: Apple will release a new UI with Mac OS X 10.5 that is reminiscent of iTunes 7, and I will spend the rest of the year slagging it. - Thankfully, no. Apple did ex...