Aaron Brethorst (Page 89)

Elsewhere on the web

Dec 04, 2007
Web Design

dom:loaded makes me happy

I’ve been using MooTools for the past month on a personal project, and I couldn’t be happier. In my new job, I’ve been boning up on my Prototype skillz. I certainly don’t mind Prototype, although I do find it to be a little heavy. The one thing th...

Nov 27, 2007

A moment to be afraid…

Up is down! White is black! Cats and dogs living in sin! Program Managers doing graphic design work! The horror! My friend Doug, one of our Product Managers on Visual Studio Express, contacted me in a bit of a panic a few weeks ago. It turns out ...

Nov 24, 2007

Humble beginnings

Love it or hate it, Twitter’s obviously on fire. Even though (or perhaps because) the idea is so ludicrously simple, there’s clearly a great deal of momentum behind the site and platform. It’s always helpful to be reminded that such things come fr...

Nov 22, 2007

Yes, but where' mortal peril?

The turkey is finishing up in the oven, the pie is made, the mashed potatoes are ready. I’m drinking a beer…Which means it’s clearly time to read TechMeme! My girlfriend (ok, she’s really the one who’s reading TechMeme, which is cool in its own ri...