Aaron Brethorst (Page 90)

Elsewhere on the web

Nov 13, 2007

New beginnings (I left Microsoft)

About two weeks ago, I made the decision to leave Microsoft. It wasn’t an easy decision for me to make, but the opportunity I had handed to me was one I couldn’t easily pass up. I’m really going to miss my team; working on Popfly for the past year...

Nov 13, 2007
Web Design

IE 6 Gotcha Moment: HTML Button Element

So, for the past hour I’ve been trying to figure out why a website I’m working simply fails to render on IE 6. I finally traced it down to a rogue button element, which appeared to be well-constructed but was still making IE 6 barf spectacularly. ...

Nov 08, 2007

Design inspiration for the day: artistic spam

A friend just forwarded this link my way. It’s a collection of hand-lettered paintings (?) depicting spam subject lines. Absolutely beautiful and terribly entertaining.  

Oct 18, 2007

Did you hear the news?

Popfly Beta has launched! Anyone can now sign up for our awesome, easy-to-use mashup builder. Just head on over to our website, click the sign in button, and create an account. We've been getting some rave reviews today, and Valleywag is treating ...

Sep 18, 2007
Aaron Web Design

A long overdue overhaul

About a week-and-a-half ago, I took it upon myself to redesign my website. I had grown bored with the faux-magazine cover style that permeated the site (and still permeates this blog). Furthermore, the reluctance of Menalto’s Gallery 2 product to ...