Aaron Brethorst (Page 93)

Elsewhere on the web

Jul 17, 2007

We never thought rubber duckies could get *this* big

For a while now, Popfly’s unofficial mascot has been a rather unassuming rubber duckie who rebels against the man with his rakish magenta hue. From my understanding, he spends his weeekends barhopping with college kids along the Ave. Anyway, my P...

Jun 29, 2007

Gone for a bit

I’ll be in Minnesota for the next week celebrating my sister’s 34th birthday and my 25th birthday. Posting may be sparse. In the mean time, here are a few albums you should listen to: The Decemberists - The Crane Wife Modest Mouse - We Were...

Jun 21, 2007
UI Design Usability

“We can’t spy…if we can’t buy!”

Slate’s posted a tremendously embarassing-looking unclassified Powerpoint deck from the CIA. The twelve pages present a sort-of who’s who guide of Powerpoint design mistakes. I don’t really fault the CIA procurement executive who created it, thoug...

Jun 19, 2007

ScottGu talks about Silverlight

Continuing yesterday’s Silverlight love-fest, I just found a fantastic blog post from Scott Guthrie, the General Manager of the .NET Developer Platform group, that covers virtually every aspect of Silverlight 1.1 in a good deal of depth and includ...