Aaron Brethorst (Page 96)

Elsewhere on the web

Jun 02, 2007
Web Design

EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK: Digg adds new categories!!!

I have secret inside word that Digg is about to release an update to their site featuring new categories that will help their users find the topics they care about the most that much quicker! Check it out: now you no longer have to go hunting to f...

May 30, 2007

View.Source for the MySpace Generation

My boss, John, posted the following a couple hours ago: Well, we saw a lot of people at Maker Faire, but the biggest thing we did was the ducks. Sure we gave a lot of demos, but for every demo we gave we had four kids painting ducks. Here are some...

May 30, 2007
Web Design

Get Started with Silverlight

I just found a ton of great content on learning how to develop for Silverlight on the SL website. It includes the full contents of every Mix’07 session that centered on Silverlight along with a bunch of great how-to screencasts, including one from...

May 30, 2007
Web Design

Cool Web Dropdown Menus

One of the most compelling parts of moving to the Popfly team for me was the opportunity to develop my web design and development skills. I (just like every one of you, I presume) have been hacking around with various web technologies for the bett...

May 25, 2007

Five Invitations to Popfly

update: i’ve received five requests I’m going to give away invitations to Popfly to the first five people who email me or leave comments telling me what they want to do with the service. Seriously, it’s that easy: just leave me a note saying tha...