Aaron Brethorst (Page 98)

Elsewhere on the web

May 16, 2007

Just a few random updates

I’m revising the look and feel of my blog. Please let me know if anything looks particularly wonky, or if something is egregiously broken. Also, just as a followup from my tale of laptop woe the other day, I wanted to mention that I ordered a sli...

May 16, 2007

Further Apple Delays?

Engadet claims that the iPhone’s release is being pushed to October, and Leopard’s release has commensurately been delayed to January 2008. It’s not clear yet if this is true (i.e. Apple hasn’t officially come out and said it), but this is a very ...

May 12, 2007

Big Displays, Small Resolutions

Last night, I commented to my girlfriend that I had to have a new Apple laptop immediately due to the increasing decrepitness of my poor, old iBook G4. As if on cue, the laptop’s battery indicator dropped below 70%, and the computer lost power. ...

May 09, 2007

Almost ready to start talking again…

I’ve been head’s down ever since I switched teams in January, which is why my blog postings have grown more and more infrequent. But, I should be ready to start talking again before too long. I’m very excited to tell you all about what I’ve been u...

May 08, 2007
Advertising Apple

Hi, I’m a Mac and obsessed with oversimplification

I saw one of the newest Apple ads last night, which featured the PC trying to figure out which version of Windows Vista he should install. I’ll admit: it was as funny as all the others, which is to say that I and the two other Microsofties I was w...