Aaron Brethorst (Page 99)

Elsewhere on the web

May 01, 2007

To those of you who think Microsoft is lame

From John Udell regarding our announcements yesterday morning: “Look, I’ve got IronPython using ActiveRecord and LINQ, all inside the Safari browser on my Mac, and I’m debugging it in Visual Studio remotely from my PC.” These kinds of scenarios ar...

Apr 23, 2007

Beryl: Oh, the hypocrisy!

<BeforeYouFlameMe>Yes, I understand that one person does not represent the full Slashdot groupthink</BeforeYouFlameMe> A common battlecry of Slashdotters is ‘you’re wasting my CPU cycles/GPU cycles/RAM/whatever; turn off the eye candy and give me...

Apr 03, 2007

More on iRooster 3.0

I seem to have settled into a routine of working on iRooster for about 90 minutes every day. Unfortunately, I don’t have more time than that with my day job taking 11 or 12 hours every day (plus a few more hours on the weekend). Even still, I’m ma...

Apr 02, 2007

iRooster and Murphy' Law

Even though it may not seem like it, I’ve been working feverishly on iRooster here in Chimp Software Headquarters (aka the Starbucks down the street, my couch, and Helen’s couch) ever since I released v2.4 back in January. The Sad story of 2.4.3 ...

Mar 23, 2007

Great idea, but you’ll still be eating ramen

Ryan Carson on TechCrunch wrote a great run-through on monetizing your web application yesterday. It’s chock full of useful, high level information on topics relating to figuring out who your target audience will be, determining how you make money...